miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

Water Erosion and Deposition

1. Runoff:
Water that doesn't soak into de ground or evaporates but instead flows acrossEarth's surface.

2. Channel:
 Water moving down on the same path and creates grooves.

3. Sheet Erosion:
Occurs when water that is flowing as sheets picks up and carries away sediments.
4. Drainage Basin:
 Is the area of land from which streams or rivers collectas runoff.
5. Meander:
Broad, c-shaped curve in a river or stream, formed by erosion of its outer bank.

6. Groundwater:
 Water that soaks into the ground collects into the ground collects in these pores and empty spaces and becomes part it.

8.  Permeable:
When pores spaces are connected and water can pass through them.

7. Impermeable:
 Materials that water that can't pass through.
9. Aquifer:
A layer of permeable rock that lets water move freely.

10. Water Table:
 Upper surface of the zone of saturation.
11. Spring:
When water table is so close  to Earth's surface and water flows out and forms it.

12. Geyser:
 Is a hot spring that erupts periodically, shooting water and steam into the air.
13. Cave:
The cracks in the limestone enlarge and forms an underground opening.

14. Longshore Current:
Current that runs parallel to the shoreline.
15. Beach:
Are deposits of sediment that are parallel to the shore.

1 comentario:

  1. Great content, I learned a lot.
    Thank you and keep posting, people will appreciate it.

